Convergence Institute Events

Convergence Institute events will be shared here once announced. Convergence events include symposia and group meetings that allow researchers from across the Hopkins community and abroad to share their work. The research shared promotes convergence science and aligns with the mission of the Convergence Institute.

Convergence Conversations

Convergence Conversations LogoThese bi-weekly sessions were created to encourage collaboration between experimental biology, computational science, clinical trial implementation, etc. disciplines. They are a forum to exchange ideas and introduce attendees to techniques outside their typical areas of expertise.


We invite all interested graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, clinical fellows, and faculty to participate and attend these meetings.


Meetings are held bi-weekly during the academic year.

Convergence Institute Symposium & Poster Session

A long-standing annual Symposium on Genomics and Bioinformatics is now a part of the Convergence Institute’s educational program. For 16 years, this symposium has featured young investigators and their achievements in bioinformatics.


The symposium takes place every Spring and includes two keynote addresses, The Schnabl Distinguished Lectureship presenting on the CoFest (Collaboration Fest), and talks by Hopkins junior faculty and postdocs, and a poster session.

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