The Convergence Institute at the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine (SKCCC) aims to leverage multi-disciplinary team science to solve a problem: cancer.
Our mission is to accelerate progress in the fight against cancer by building, training, and catalyzing convergence teams who will utilize their diverse scientific disciplines and technologies to foster innovation. We believe that these teams will discover and develop new and more successful ways to treat and prevent cancer. We will support this mission by:
- Developing new technologies for first-in-human research
- Funding pilot studies
- Creating new training programs for graduate students and postdocs
- Offering innovative education opportunities for faculty and staff
Get to know the individuals leading the Convergence Institute Mission.

Elizabeth Jaffee, M.D.
Deputy Director,
The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center
at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine,
Professor of Oncology
Co-Director, Convergence Institute
Assistant Directors

Robert Anders, M.D., Ph.D.
Tumor Microenvironment Lab
Associate Professor of Pathology

Nilofer Azad, M.D.
Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics
Professor of Oncology

Daniel Laheru, M.D.
Skip Viragh Center for Pancreas Cancer Clinical Research and Patient Care
Professor of Oncology

Genevieve Stein-O’Brien, Ph.D.
Assistant Director,
Johns Hopkins Single Cell Consortium
Assistant Professor of Neuroscience

Ravi Varadhan, Ph.D.
Professor of Oncology
Advisory Board
Associate Director, Convergence Institute

Srinivasan Yegnasubramanian, M.D., Ph.D.
Experimental and Computational Genomics Core
Professor of Oncology